The Malta Sociological Association (MSA) welcomes the fact that a national literacy strategy for all is being proposed by the Government.
In this regard, MSA is proposing that the strategy factors in and takes account of social impacts and the intersection of various variables.
The strategy should incorporate and mainstream social impact assessments, to ensure greater outreach and deliberation with stakeholders.
Various methods, both quantitative and qualitative could be used within social impact assessments. SIAs should involve the participation of different stakeholders. Analytic indicators should be provided and the entire process should be subject to peer review by independent experts in the field. This could help identify shortcomings and possible improvements to the same SIA.
SIAs should not be one-off exercises: They should be ongoing processes which engage with various stakeholders and which report back so as to ensure effective policy processes. They should also use complementary research methods so as to ensure reliable and valid data.
We refer to international SIA standards, for example those set by the International Association for Impact Assessment:
Michael Briguglio
Public Relations Officer MSA