Monday, 17 August 2020

Free webinar on environmental, social, governance performance and impact assessment

Major corporations are increasingly paying attention to their ESG (environmental, social and governance) performance—and so are the institutions that invest in them. An interview with an ESG expert will help us unpack what ESG is and what impact assessment professionals should know. Presenters: Marla Orenstein is Past President and President-Elect of IAIA. She is also the Director of the Natural Resources Centre at the Canada West Foundation, a public policy think tank. Marla has led projects for both the public and private sector, on behalf of government, Indigenous government, industry, and community organizations. Her focus has been on ensuring the wellbeing of communities in the context of development and change. Jamie Bonham is Director of Corporate Engagement at NEI Investments, where he is responsible for managing the ESG program. He has over thirteen years of experience in researching and engaging with companies - and specifically for the extractive industry - on ESG issues. His philosophy is that companies can take advantage of emerging business opportunities by integrating best ESG practices into their strategies and operations. This webinar is being co-sponsored by IAIA and IAIA-WNC.

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