Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Exploring Malta’s Social Landscape: Insights from the #MaltaSociology Conference 2024


MSA Secretary Maria C Borg reviews the #MaltaSociology Conference 2024 in an article on Newspoint (University of Malta). 

Read the article here

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Webinar - Volunteers – (in)visible resources - 6th Edition of the Visibility of the Invisible Seminar Series

“Volunteers – (in)visible resources”

Monday, December 2nd 2024, 6.00 pm (CET) via Zoom

Visibility of the Invisible Seminar Series, 6th Edition

The 6th edition of “Visibility of the Invisible” seminar series, organised by the Malta Sociological Association, will be held on Monday 2 December at 6pm CET.  This annual event has been held since 2019 and takes place during the International Human Rights Month. This year's theme is “Volunteers – (in)visible resources.”

Join us to learn more about volunteer management, e-volunteering, challenges, current initiatives and international projects, invisible contributors and underappreciated efforts of volunteers in diverse sectors such as healthcare, education, disaster relief, and cultural events. 

Let’s celebrate International Volunteer Day through the promotion of volunteers' values, the spirit of volunteerism, and its transformative potential for individuals and communities, with our guest speakers from Malta, Cyprus, Romania, and Greece.

To register kindly click here. 

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Malta Sociology Conference held in Valletta

The Malta Sociology Conference 2024 was held at King's Own Bandclub in Valletta last Saturday 9th November. It comprised 12 academic research presentations by well-established scholars, young researchers, and students carrying out their dissertation studies. Presentations were organized into the following themes: Changing Spaces; Culture and Consumption; and Policy and Practice, followed by an open discussion. 

A presentation about the new journal of the Sociology Department, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta - SociologyMT - also took place. The first edition of this journal will be issued during March 2025. 

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Public Consultation - Villa Rosa: MSA calls for Social Impact Assessment

The Malta Sociological Association (MSA) notes the public consultation for the Partial Review of the 2006 North Harbours Local Plan for Paceville (Villa Rosa site). It welcomes the point that the review must align with the principles of sustainable development by balancing economic growth with environmental protection and social responsibility. 

To this end, the MSA proposes an additional objective, namely to ensure that development does not create negative social impacts on the community. In order to achieve this objective (and in line with objective 6), the MSA proposes the adoption of a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) that follows a comprehensive and scientific approach in conformity with the International Principles for Social Impact Assessment. 

The International Association for Impact Assessment defines SIA as being “the processes of analysing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions”. An SIA is an interdisciplinary process, and follows established social-scientific methods, both quantitative and qualitative. Social impact assessments should not be one-off exercises, but ongoing processes which engage with various stakeholders and which report back so as to ensure effective policy processes.

Monday, 21 October 2024

The Malta Sociology Conference 2024 - Programme and Registration

The Malta Sociology Conference 2024, organized by the Malta Sociological Association, will take place on Saturday 9th November, between 8.30am and 1.30pm at Kings Own Band Club, Republic Street, Valletta. 

It will comprise 12 academic research presentations on Changing Spaces; Culture and Consumption; and Policy and Practice, followed by an open discussion. A presentation about the new journal of the Sociology Department at the University of Malta - SociologyMT - will also take place. 

The conference is open to the general public. To register click here

(Click on image for proper resolution) 

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Public Consultation: Strategy for Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) 2025-30

The Malta Sociological Association submitted the following feedback to this public consultation

The Malta Sociological Association (MSA) notes the public consultation towards a Strategy for Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) 2025-2030. It welcomes a broader consideration of physical activity drivers and dynamics, one that goes beyond matters of urban design and physical infrastructures but takes an all-encompassing view of the social dynamics of health-enhancing physical activity. In this light, the MSA proposes the adoption of a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) that follows a comprehensive and scientific approach in conformity with the International Principles for Social Impact Assessment. 

The International Association for Impact Assessment defines SIA as being “the processes of analysing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions”. An SIA is an interdisciplinary process, and follows established social-scientific methods, both quantitative and qualitative. Social impact assessments should not be one-off exercises, but ongoing processes which engage with various stakeholders and which report back so as to ensure effective policy processes.