Sociologists and/or other social scientists, that is, persons with a recognized qualification in the field of social science, as well as other persons interested in this field, are eligible for membership. MSA is a registered voluntary organisation in Malta (VO 1323)
By joining the MSA you will
- be a member of Malta's only independent sociological organisation;
- regularly network with members of the Maltese sociological community and participate in MSA events;
- receive the MSA's newsletter (three issues per year) as well as relevant news and updates in your inbox;
- get your sociological work promoted through the MSA's various channels;
- get the possibility to access and add your details to MSA's Directory, highlighting research interests of members of the association; and
- benefit from other MSA initiatives.
If interested in joining, or to renew your membership, please click here to fill in the membership form.
Please email maltasociologicalassocia for more information.
Membership fee: 12 Euro. Full-time students, unemployed and retired persons are entitled for the 6.00 euro membership fee.
Membership fee: 12 Euro. Full-time students, unemployed and retired persons are entitled for the 6.00 euro membership fee.
(1) cash to anyone of the MSA committee members;
(2) using the MSA IBAN No. MT41VALL2201300000004002501819 2 BIC: VALLMTMT
Postal Address: Malta Sociological Association, Room 305, Old Humanities, Department of Sociology, University of Malta, Msida MSD2080, MALTA.